Exciting changes are underway!

The 6th floor of the Rasmuson Library is undergoing a transformation into a modern, comprehensive student success center.

The units / offices which will be located in the 51·çÁ÷¹ÙÍø Student Success Center include:

  • Academic tutoring from multiple disciplines
  • Academic success coaching
  • First year academic advising
  • Career advising
  • Testing services
  • Speaking center, Writing Center, and Math Lab
  • Private and group study rooms

Check back with this site for student success programming and construction updates!

51·çÁ÷¹ÙÍø Orientation Leaders group photo


Academic success coaching available now

What is academic success coaching? Life as a student is busy! Academic Coaching is a series of one-on-one conversations designed to enhance well-being and academic performance. Coaching is a partnership between students who seek to improve their study strategies and peer coaches who are trained to listen, ask thought provoking questions, and help students identify resources and set goals. You can meet with a coach once or weekly to help keep you on track, feel more confident, and reach your goals. Coaching is free for all 51·çÁ÷¹ÙÍø students and is available in-person or via zoom.

Topics we can help with include time management, online learning strategies, school/life balance, individualized study plans, reading & note-taking strategies, organization, effective communication, quiz & exam prep, setting priorities & goals, self- care, and much more!


Meet the team!

To schedule with a peer academic success coach, select the "Schedule with ___" button.









Concepts for the Student Success Center

A modern, inviting community environment that facilitates collaboration and private study

Concept 1 shows a slat board wall and ceiling with a sliding wall

Concept 2 shots a conference room with class wals and a 3 dimensional topographical mural wall

Concept 3 shows open study space with computer banks, soft seating and long lights and panels suspended from the ceiling

Student Success Center timeline

  • This center has been in the planning and development stages for almost three years and will be constructed on the sixth floor of the Rasmuson Library.

  • In 2019, a university steering committee was formed and QualityMetrics was hired to provide guidance and best practices on how academic libraries are changing to meet students’ needs by creating success centers that enhance the student learning experience.

  • In the Fall of 2021, Bettisworth North Architects and Planners, Inc. was hired to guide the design in collaboration with the 51·çÁ÷¹ÙÍø User Design Committee, which consists of representatives from the units that will relocate to the center. This group will meet throughout spring and on into the project.

  • Project documents approved in May BOR meeting for Formal Project Approval

  • Project design to be presented in Sept BOR meeting for Schematic Design Approval

  • Design development phase & construction draft documents (by Jan ‘23), then project goes out to bid (by Feb ‘23)

What about online and distance academic support?

The space will also feature a smart classroom for general use and for in -person and virtual sharing of programmatic opportunities, several zoom room rooms for tutor and student use, and a recording studio. Students will have access to group study areas, individual quiet areas, and coffee/snacks.

Virtual Access: The comprehensive services and support provided through the SSC will be accessible to all 51·çÁ÷¹ÙÍø students including online and distance students. The SSC’s virtual presence provides access to all services and support to all students regardless of location / modality. To enhance the student experience and improve 51·çÁ÷¹ÙÍø's rates of student success, retention, persistence and graduation; to close equity gaps in each of those areas through a number of strategies over the coming years.

Student Success Center mission statement

To modernize and enhance the student experience and improve 51·çÁ÷¹ÙÍø's rates of student success, retention, persistence and graduation; to close equity gaps in each of those areas through a number of strategies over the coming years.